about me —
My name is Raven Short and these are my monthly newsletters from my time with Athletes in Action. I am a DFW native, a SMU graduate, and a former college athlete. I seek to get better everyday & today I am the best version of me for what I did yesterday.
news letters:
March 2020 Newsletter
Written By Raven Short
Hey everyone!
Since I, figuratively, last spoke with you all, I have had the opportunity to experience some really amazing things. I've had the privilege to travel to NYC, LA, & CO! All for various reasons, but if I had to sum all the trips up I'd say that I was sent to continue learning how practically engage and live out the gospel in all areas of life & also to bear witness of others allowing Jesus to be Lord over their life. I'm not much of a picture taker but I did manage to be quite the tourist while I spent a week in NYC for a conference called Lenses. AIA birthed this contextualized ministry, The Lenses Institute, where we submerge ourselves in the culture of designated cities where they teach our Campus Ministers how to recognize: the image of God in every ethnicity & culture, cultural brokenness, & how to engage in racial reconciliation in our respective social location. Needless to say, we did some hard work so I felt the right to play hard too!
Anywhoo, in light of all that I believe the most important picture in this letter is the one at the top. The one that looks most simplistic in nature is actually the most powerful . Every week on Monday morning our staff engages in some level of a prayer meeting, walk or hike. Peter, our team lead, has prioritized this and I beleive it makes ALL the difference.
My deepest prayer that comes into my spirit every week is rooted in Proverbs 16:9
[ a man's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps ]
Right now we all have plans that we've made, yet in light of this borderline international epidemic that we're approaching, many things are being redirected. My prayer for us all is that we remain obedient servants simply following the Lords instruction day by day, remembering that perfect love cast out all fear.
Prayer Request For the Semester:
Our Staff and Student Leaders continue to be rooted in faithfulness and wisdom
Pray that recourse of logistics & finances are navigated well as mission trips and events are being cancelled
20 Student Athletes come to Christ for this school year
Summer 2019 —
SoCal Mission Trip
Written By Raven Short
This summer I had the opportunity to serve with the Ultimate Training Camp (UTC) on the campus of Cal State Long Beach where nearly 100 college student athletes set aside a week of their time to come and grow spiritually. Back in 2013 I went to this camp after my junior year when I redshirted due to breaking my ankle. No words can express this sentiment enough: THIS CAMP SHIFTED EVERYTHING FOR ME! My desire to surrender to Gods will grew immensely & became practical in all of my obstacles of life. So, it was a humbling experience to have the opportunity to serve for the second year in a row as I begin to transition into full time ministry . Honestly, it took me back to where this all begin.
In 2013 I was a shy unconfident struggling college kid. Fast forward to today, I had the amazing opportunity to disciple 2 amazing young ladies in leading their small groups, co-teach a lesson to interns, and sit on a panel discussing dating relationships & sex from a biblical perspective. Basically, I confidently shared all of my junk while inserting the power of the Holy Spirit and the transformative gospel. It was great.
But the greatest part was that 16 campers / student athletes made the decision to surrender their life to Christ & 5 made the decision to get (re)baptized!
At the risk of sounding like the epitome of a millennial, if you follow me on social media (sorry not sorry) you might have seen that I was one of the 5 who decided to get re-baptized! Long story short, I was originally baptized at the age of 10 before I was fully aware of 1. what it truly meant to be surrendered to Christ 2. the power of the Holy Spirit 3. being in covenant with God. SO! Now as an adult, in my sober mind, trusting the nudge of the Holy Spirit, I decided to publicly declare that I surrendered all of my life to God. Twas an amazing moment that I'll hold on to, well probably, forever.
To put the bow on top of the cake, my 19 year old brother Isaiah came to UTC as a camper -- skeptical at first to say the least. Not of Jesus, just of what I was getting him into. However! He left changed, affirmed, and liberated to the fullest! I can't tell his story, but he has not stopped raving about his experience to his friends. I know for a fact that God met him there, amidst of his struggles & loved on him in so many ways.
"This was the best experience of my life!" -- Isaiah Short, 19
September 2019 — Prayer Letter
Written By Raven Short
Today as I write my first newsletter from Phoenix, reflecting on my first two months on staff, it's comforting knowing that I have an entire community on this journey with me! Before I share how things have been thus far, Id love to introduce you to my team that you see pictured above:
The bearded man on the left is Peter Gonzalez, he is Co-Team Lead of our AIA staff. Peter is nearing year 10 of ministry here at ASU. To his right is Koby Reyes, Koby is a former ASU wrestler who finished his student-athlete career at Purdue. In a divine series of events he made his way full circle back to ASU for his first year of full time ministry. To my left is Mike Sanfratello. Despite of his Mr. Clean look, he goes by "Fro". Fro is the Regional Director of Arizona for Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Next, is Emma Tautolo. Emma is Co-Team Lead with Peter of our AIA team who is also nearing 10 years of ministry on staff with AIA. Following Emma is Molly Yates & yes she is with child! Molly works on FCA staff with Fro. ASU is her only focus. And last but not least is Austyn Harris. Austyn is a first year staff with me and Koby. Austyn is a former ASU wrestler and was a prominent student leader of the FCAIA ministry.
WHEW! That was a tad lengthy, thanks for sticking with me.
My transition thus far has honestly been as smooth as moving across country and starting a new job could be. Meeting new people, growing in relationships, experiencing new places, and learning new rhythms have all been exciting processes that I've leaned into and have more than enjoyed exploring. God has gone over and beyond in so many details of making sure that I know He sees me in this new, mildly foreign, place. While also giving me glimpses of His big picture of why He brought me here; a Raven in the Desert [1 kngs 17]. Sorry not sorry for that cheesy biblical reference.
BUT! To show you how God has been with me, here are some examples:
Here in Phoenix we have Fry's, which is the same thing as Krogers in Texas. Once, in a brief verbal exchange with a cashier I learned that she grew up in Carrolton, TX on a cross street of where I lived for a few years.
Recently, at a meeting connecting all the ministries under Cru, our parent organization, I met a woman who is on Staff. Come to find out we went to the same high school. And! She went to school with my older sister.
There have been countless examples that I should probably keep account of and forever remember to be thankful for. Ill do better. Needless to say, God has sent me people at the perfect moments to make sure that I never feel alone.
& Although at times this journey has been uncomfortable, I wouldn't trade it for anything. My move of obedience has given God opportunities to show up intimately and powerfully. Strengthening my faith daily & creating a vulnerably dependent relationship with Him.
And its just the beginning :)
October 2019 Prayer Letter
Written By Raven Short
Team Work Makes The Dream Work --
Well, at least that's what one of my coaches used to smirk and say when my teammates and I had a test in the same class. I shake my head and laugh a little harder every time I think about those moments. But if I allow myself to glean from the deeper message they were sending, it was on and off the court we will help each other succeed.
Team Work. Unity. Oneness. Community.
These words have definitely been the theme of the month, in multiple aspects.
In my day to day I am usually, spending time with my team, in a one on one meeting with a student athlete, studying biblical training materials, or planning for an event. & When it comes to creating a culture on a team or building relationships or maturing in skills or even just planning events, so many details and efforts go into those things. But my favorite ingredient that Im learning to love the most is time. It all takes time.
My team and I have had more time to learn and experience one another. To understand what makes each of us "go", what we each need from one another. I've had more time to walk with my girls that I disciple. They've had more opportunities to invite me into their experiences and situations that life brings. I've had more time to explore what I need from this new season of life.
It's been a beautiful journey to watch things unfold and relationships grow.
Along with time being the most important ingredient, to me, intentionality is definitely a close second. Circling back to the subtle message my coach used to send me, I believe it takes a certain level of intentionality over time to learn and show up to help others succeed.
So, a really cool thing happened:
On September 29th our volleyball girls play at UCLA. In the picture above, the three girls in athletic gear are on the team as well as student-leaders in our ministry. The rest of us, retired athletes, just showed up to support because we know them and love them. Gabby, 3rd from the left in the white pants, is on staff with AIA at UC Irvine. Kassidy, 3rd from the right in the yellow sweatshirt, meet them on a mission trip this past summer. & Gabrielle, 2nd from the right in the yellow shirt, just transitioned off staff with AIA at ASU but is thriving in her profession in LA.
It was a really cool moment that we all showed up in oneness to show that we support them. Not because of what they do as athletes, but because of who they are to us. & We want to be their teammates, on and off the court.
February 2020 Newsletter
Written By Raven Short
Hey everyone!
Before & after the holidays, our ministry experienced some exciting and transformative moments together. I attempted to capture them as best I could, but also in rare millennial form, I try to let myself to enjoy the moment. I hope you enjoy the few pictures I am able to share in this letter.
& Just to give you a quick recap over the last couple months, here's what happened:
In December, we had our first in state partnered Arizona Winter Retreat. Students from ASU, UA, Cal State Irvine, & Cal State Fullerton came to learn more about how their Inward Calling creates an Outward Impact. It was an intimate and dynamic weekend where students gave positive feedback about feeling challenged in their faith while also having fun in community! (Pictured Above)
January was jam packed with events!
After we came back after the holidays, we kicked off the semester by hosting a CFB Championship BBQ for the Student Athletes where we packed ourselves into Austyn's living room, attempting to bond over our cultural ties to Clemson and or Louisiana.
As a ministry we invited students to join us at Awaken 2020, which was a 12 hour conference filled with powerful praise & worship, teachers, and preachers. There we had the opportunity to be challenged spiritually by speakers AND spend an hour vibing with Kanye West & his choir. It was undeniably one of my favorite moments in life thus far. Top 10 easily. (Pictured Below)
In the following weeks we joined the rest of the ASU ministries on campus for a night of worship at an event called ASU United. But most notably, the hearts & souls of everyone involved in our ministry were deeply shaken (along with the rest of the world) by the sudden news of a helicopter crash taking the lives of 3 children and 6 adults.
To steward that moment appropriately, at our most recent Bible Study, Peter and Molly did an amazing job of unpacking the implications of grieving people we never met while encouraging us to examine Kobe Bryant's life: the excellency of his habits, how he brought people with him, and the parallel of living our lives like Jesus. (Pictured Below)
Needless to say, we started out the semester strong in displaying the importance of community.
As my community, in your spare time I would greatly appreciate if you could take some time to talk to the big man upstairs (i.e. God, Jesus, Papa) about our ministry and a few things going on this semester. Your thoughts and prayers mean more than you know.
Prayer Request For the Semester:
Our Staff and Student Leaders continue to be faithful and grow in relationship with our Student-Athletes
Jamaica Mission Trip March 29 - April 5 (15 students sign up for the trip, fundraising, logistics, faithfulness, & relationships)
20 Student Athletes come to Christ for this school year